November 13, 2011
Trini was having an all-out tantrum and I completely ignored it. When she stopped, she came over to me and said "Momma, I done." I said "Done with what?" and she said "I done throw fit. I sorry."
February 28, 2012
I have a slap bracelet that Trini likes to call her lightsaber for when she "duels" with her daddy. Well, today, the neighbor's car alarm went off, and the alarm sounded a lot like the guns is Star Wars so Trini ran over and said "Momma! Star Wars OUTSIDE! Need lightsaber!" When she found my slap bracelet, she went to the window and said "JEDI WIN!" while waving her lightsaber and hitting the blinds/window. Now, in my opinion she should have said Sith, but, she's young, she'll learn. lol
March 21, 2012
Trini starts whining, I ask her whats wrong... She says, "I have curly hair" I thought I heard wrong so I asked again... She says "KER-LEE HAIR MOMMA" while pulling on her hair.... Now, people have told me she'd grow up to hate her curls, I just didn't know she'd already grown up. Who said she could grow up anyway?
April 27, 2012
Me: What does a cow say?
Trini: Mooooooooottt
Me: What does a dog say?
Trini: arf arf arf
Me: What does a duck say?
Trini: crap crap crap
June 11, 2012
Trini saw a pic of me 35 weeks pregnant...
Trini: Why you have big belly?
Me: Because Trini was in there
Trini: I was in there?
Me: Yeah
Trini: Mommmmmmaaaa! Why did you eat me? Thats not nice!
December 31, 2012
Trini: Momma, can I watch Doctor Who?
Me: No baby, sorry.
Trini: Why not?
Me: Too many monsters.
Trini: But monster aren't real, you said that.
Me: I did.
Trini: So can I watch it?
Me: Nope.
Trini: why not?
Me: becaaaause, its too scary for ME.
Trini: Momma you're not a baby.
Me: Trini, you can't watch it, it makes you scared.
Trini: But, I'm not scared right nooow...
Me: and its not on right now.
Trini: Oh you're right, good job Momma!
And she walked away giggling.
Janurary 12, 2013
Me: Hey babygirl, wanna go have some breakfast?
Trini: You can, but can I stay here?
Me: You wanna stay in bed?
Trini: Yeah, I'll have breakfast tomorrow
Me: You're going to be in bed all day today?
Trini: Yeah, I think so, that'd be great cuz I'm really tired.
January 17, 2013
Trini, holding her favorite dress: Momma, Grandma Barbara is going to wear this dress to your wedding.
Me: she is?
Trini: Yeah!
Me: I don't think it'll fit her...
Trini: Of course it will darling, we'll make it fit.
And of course she said it "dah-ling" which just made it all the more cute... I love her so much!
January 22, 2013
My phone's ringtone was set to the intro song to Doctor Who.
Trini: MOMMMAAAA your phone is Doctor Who-ing!
Me: its what?
January 22, 2013
Trini and I were looking at "princess dresses" online for her to wear to the wedding. There was one dress that she just LOVED, every time it came up on the screen she smiled or giggled and said "I like that one" or "I need that one". The last time it came up on the screen I asked her if she was sure that was the one she wanted and she said "Yes!" got off my lap and ran to the closet. A minute or so passes by and she comes out of the closet wearing nothing but her underwear and says "Where's my dress? It not in the closet..." so I said "Even if I bought it right now it would take a couple days to get here in the mail".... she's now laying on my bedroom floor quiet and not moving (seriously, I don't think she's even blinking)... (I bought it, she wore it to the wedding)
February 25, 2013
Trini fell asleep early tonight so I've been getting stuff done. While I was folding the laundry...
Trini: Momma?
Me, without looking in her direction: Yeah, Baby?
Trini: Can I keep the chocolate on my nose?
I kinda laughed and said "what?" finally looking at her...
Trini, still fast asleep on her bed: Can I keep the chocolate on my nose?
Me: Just for a little while, then we have to wash it off k?
Trini: You're my favorite Momma.
April 11, 2013
I'm in the laundry room, starting a new load and Trini comes running in with my phone..
Trini: Momma! I got the time to work!
Me: What?
Trini: I made the time work on your phone! See? Its 46!
Me: Its 46? What does that mean?
Trini: It means its time for 46 stuff.
Me: Oh wow! What is 46 stuff?
Trini: Uhm... That probably means I have watch Ruby Gloom 46 more times.
April 18, 2013
Me: Bye Babygirl, I've gotta go to a meeting.
Trini: A meeting? Who is getting something cut off?
Me: What kind of meetings do YOU go to?
Trini laughs.
April 30, 2013
So, we're out to lunch, and out of nowhere Trini says "Its so obvious!" her grandma replies with "What's so obvious?" and she kinda chuckles and says "That I'm so smart."... Then towards the end of the meal she said it was necessary for her Grandma Shelli to do something later, but I don't remember what.
May 12, 2013
I've got my oil warmer going with "Ocean Breeze oil" in it. Trini walks in the room and says "It smells like coconuts in here"
Me: how do you know what coconuts smell like?
Trini: cuz from when I went to the beach in "Ta-why-he" with my daddy.
Me: you and your daddy went to Hawaii without me?!
Trini: Umm, welllll, no but I have to go play.
May 26, 2013
I have a robe with a hood on it, Trini walks up to me with the hood of it on her head.
Trini: Momma, can I use your robe?
Me: But why?
Trini: Well, it doesn't REALLY matter cuz I'm already using it, you know.
Yup, that's my girl.
June 8, 2013
Trini: You're having a snack?
Me: Yup
Trini, checks my plate: Hmm, how umfortunip for me- I mean you, you have enough to share. Can I have some?
June 7, 2013
Tried a swimsuit on Trini that has a hole (on purpose) in the belly section to show off that cute belly of hers...She kept trying to pull the top part of it down..
Me: Trini, this swimsuit isn't supposed to cover your belly.
Trini: Then can I wear my polky dotty swimsuit?
Me: You don't like that your belly is showing?
Trini: Nope, I don't like my belly showing, it makes me feel weird.
Me: I hope that stays with you for many, many years.
Trini, looking at me like I'm an alien: You hope I feel weird all the time?
Me: No, I just hope you like it better to keep your body covered until even after you're a Momma.
Trini: Momma, thats ironic.
Me, confused: Ironic? What's ironic?
Trini, laughing: That I would be a momma. YOU are MY Momma, Momma.
Me: You're right, I'm sorry.
I just sit there, admiring her.
A few seconds pass..
Trini: uh, could you stop lookin' at me like that, its kinda disturbing.
June 14, 2013
Shelli: What are you eating, Trini?
Trini: I dunno.
Me: Say 'Taquito'.
Trini: Fuh-kee-toe
Shelli, Eric and I try not to laugh out loud..
June 14, 2013
Joel: Trini, your ponies can't fly unless their a pegasus.
Trini: Yes they can, if I want them to.
Joel: But they don't have wings.
Trini: Its a imagination, Joel... I have one, you know.
June 18, 2013
Venita was over and we were playing with the kids, and using fake dollar bills to help them kind of grasp the idea of money and help them with math...
Trini holds out a one dollar bill: Venita, can I buy you for $1?
Venita: A DOLLAR?! Honey, I'm worth more than just a dollar. I can be found at maybe Sacs Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus...
Trini: Yeah, I'll find you there, at Naked Marcus.
Venita: Naked Marcus?!
Trini, laughing: Yeah!
Venita: Yeah, you could probably find me there... Depends on my mood though.
June 23, 2013
Trini non-stop-rambling about pretty much everything while rolling around on her bed...
Ross: Trini, why are you talking so much?
Trini laughs: Milk.
July 17, 2013
Last night, while getting Trini's pajamas on:
Me: What does your shirt say?
Trini: I dunno.
Me: Lets read it together...
We go letter-by-letter sounding it all out.
Me: So what does it say?
Trini: Daddy's good luck charm.
Me: And are you Daddy's good luck charm?
Trini: Yep!
Me: What does that mean? What does it mean to be Daddy's good luck charm?
Trini: Weeeeeellllll, Its kind of like when I say 'I love you Daddy' and he doesn't say he loves me first but I know he loves me because I love him and we love each other with our hearts cuz that's lucky and I'm his lucky charm like my cereal lucky charms with the lep-de-con commercial cuz its magic.
Me: Oh.
Trini sighs: Yeah.
July 16, 2013
Trini had her first RingPop today. I put it on her finger and told her it was candy.
Trini: Its candy? Like, I can eat it?
Me: Yeah!
Trini: Like real eat it or just pretend?
Me: Its real candy, see? *I licked mine*
Trini: Its a toy AND candy?
Me: Yes.
Trini: But its a toy?
Me: Yes!
Trini: And I can eat it?
Me: YES!
Trini: Oh Momma this is the best ever ever!
About 5 minutes later...
Trini: Momma? Do you like my princess ring?
Me: Yes, its lovely.
Trini: I can eat it, you know?
Me: Yes, I know! Isn't it great?
Trini: Yeah, its the best ever!
I'm pretty sure her mind was blown today.
July 4, 2013
Me: See the fireworks?
Trini: Yeah buuut...
Me: But what?
Trini: The ones at your wedding were prettier
Me: Uhhhm, we didn't have fireworks at the wedding.
Trini: Yes you did.
Me: No we didn't.
Trini: Momma, YES you did. I saw Keri light them.
Me, pointing at a candle like the ones we had at the reception: I think Keri lit candles like that one, but not fireworks.
Trini: She did, they were pink and purple.
Me: Oohhh thoooose. You're right, the ones at the wedding WERE prettier.
(I have no idea what she was talking about, there was nothing that even resembled fireworks at the wedding.)
July 10, 2013
Trini: Momma, do you wanna see my naked-let?
Me: You're what?
She pulls up one of her pant legs, revealing her bracelet on her ankle.
Trini: Its a naked-let like you have on your leg too.
July 11, 2013
Kids are playing out in the loft, they decide on Star Wars
Nya: I'm Darth Vader!
Gavin: I'm Jango Fett!
Joel: I'm Boba Fett!
Trini: I'm Darth Silliest
All the kids but Trini laugh
Me: Trini, do you mean Sidious?
July 12, 2013
I'm folding laundry in my room and and the kids were getting a liiiittle too rowdy out in the loft.
Me: Hey guys, bring it down a little, k?
They apparently didn't hear me. I was about to repeat it a little louder but Trini decided she could take care of it.
The room went quiet.
July 18, 2013
Trini ran over to me with a heart-shaped pillow that says "Love" in cursive with two hearts next to it.
Trini: Momma, you know what this says?
Me: No, what does it say?
Trini: It says "I love you my two hearts"
Me: It says that?
Trini: Yeah, cuz its from the Doctor to Amy P-- River Strong.
Me: The Doctor and River Song?
Trini: Yeah!
Me: Who are they?
Trini: Oh Momma, you know, from Doctor Who. I think River likes Doctor though, cuz she calls him Sweety.
Me: They're married.
Trini: Like you and daddy?
Me: Yup!
Trini: Did you go to their wedding?
Me: Nope, I think it was just the two of them when they got married.
Trini: Did they have cake?
Me: I don't think so.
Trini: So then they're not married?
Me: Yes they are.
Trini: Not with out the caaake.
July 22, 2013
Today, Trini and I watched Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty, AND Cinderella.
Me: Between Snow White, Aurora, and Cinderella, which is your favorite princess?
Trini: ummm. Snow White.
Me: Oh yeah? Why?
Trini: because of Bashful and Dopey
Me: You like the dwarfs, huh?
Trini: Yeah.
Me: Which prince was your favorite?
Trini took maybe a whole minute to think it over, then finally said "Um, my daddy."
Me: Your daddy is your favorite prince?!
Trini: Yeah! He's always my prince, cuz I love him in my heart.
July 25, 2013
Trini: Momma, its getting dark in here, want me to turn the light on for you?
Me: Sure, thanks!
Trini: I like my chores.
Me: Turning the light on is one of your chores?
Trini: Yup! I wanna be Cinderella.
Me: Well in that case, you can take over ALL of my chores, you can have them.
Trini: Momma, you don't have chores, you're a momma.
Me: I wish!
Trini: A wish is a dream your heart makes.
Me: You mean "A dream is a wish your heart makes"?
Trini: Yeah, that's what I said.
Me: Uh huh, and who said that?
Trini: Cinderella, of course.
July 26, 2013
Gavin: Who's birthday is next?
Me: Um, mine, I think.
Gavin: When's your birthday?
Nya, Joel, and Kenny at exactly the same time: August 12th
Trini: Momma, you need to tell me when its your birthday cuz I need to make you a big cake, like a big BIG cake... Like maybe a rainbow cake cuz I know you like rainbows... But this time, I have to make it by myself cuz you can't make your own cake cuz its your birthday and I'm a big girl I can do it but its gonna be a big rainbow cake because I love you.
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